Bombadil ist ein Trio von Multi-Instrumentalisten aus North Carolina und Frankreich. Sie freuen sich, ihr neues Album „In Color“ anzukündigen, das am 2. Juni bei Ramseur Records veröffentlicht wurde.
Das neunte Studioalbum der Band konzentriert sich auf das einfache Thema Farbe. Wie fühlt sich Farbe an? Wie klingt sie? Im Fall von Bombadil: Flöte, Drum-Machine, Casio-Töne der 80er Jahre und klassischer Dreistimmengesang.
Jeder Song auf dem Album repräsentiert eine Farbe: Rot ist kraftvoll und energiegeladen, Gelb ist weich und schüchtern wie ein Frühlingsmorgen, Blau ist der ständige Ozean, der in ihrem Leben brodelt.
Freitag , 24. November 2023 20:30 Uhr (Einlass: 19:00 Uhr)
Café NUN, Gottesauer Straße 35, Karlsruhe
Tickets: VVK 10,00 € | AK 12,00 € | Tickets gibts im NUN-Ticketshop
Bombadil is a trio of North Carolina and France-based multi-instrumentalists. They are pleased to announce their new album,In Color, to be releasedJune 2nd on Ramseur Records.The band’s 9th studio album focuses on the simple theme of color. What does color feel like? What does it sound like? In Bombadil’s case: flute, drum machine, 80’s Casio tones and classic 3 part-harmony vocals.Each song on the album represents a color: red is powerful and energetic, yellow is soft and shy like a spring morning, blue is the constant ocean, churning in theirlives.The album was made during the pandemic when they could notphysically be in the same place.The songs were written across the Atlantic Ocean and thephysical distance inspired the band to continue the idea of separatenesswhen recording the album.The band played almost no instruments themselves. They brought in friends to play the guitar and bass. A female vocalistsang the melodies and played the flute. The rhythm section was composed of computer drum loops. All of this melds dynamically with the classic folk-pop sound of Bombadil.In Coloris a step forward for the band. Creativity takes front and center, and the band continues to share their unique perspectiveof existence. The expectations are high for this superb live band with a full schedule of performances throughout North America and Europe over the course of the next year.
Bombadil has performed in numerous festivals over the years including Bonnaroo, Floyd Fest and Pickathon and toured with acts such as the Avett Brothers, Dr. Dog, the Carolina ChocolateDrops, Langhorne Slim and Kishi Bashi.The band has received press coverage inTheNew York Times,Rolling Stone, andPaste, and their songs have been featured in the moviesTrainwreck, The Dark Divideand the Hulu original series Runaways